Many people and businesses nationwide have been realizing that they are spending too much money on their insurance premiums. One of the best ways to lower your costs is to seek out the assistance and class-leading coverage you can get from an independent insurance agent. There are many great reasons to use an independent agent instead of a huge nationwide entity to provide your home or business coverage.
An independent agent is much more than just a salesperson! It takes a large amount of knowledge to match you with the right auto, life, or home business policy, and there are a few different kinds of insurance agents you can choose. Captive Agents sell policies from a single insurance company, and independent agents can offer a larger variety of quotes to have a thoroughly customized way to assist you.
Here are some of the benefits of using an Independent Insurance Agent:
1. The Benefits of Locally Sourced Expertise: National insurance companies sometimes encounter difficulty when they are focusing on your city. Local independent agents can offer the perk of knowing the ins and outs of your neighborhood and having built relationships with the business owners there for years. A high level of involvement in the community is a great help when it comes to managing risk and allows customers to see that the agent truly has the feel for their area.
2. An Appealing Selection of Viable Options for Coverage: In all the advertisements that you see for insurance, many companies claim to be the least expensive in the business. Since there are so many different factors that your premium is based on, this blanket claim can sometimes be a bit inflated, as there may be factors such as age, marital status, business type, and zip code that all influence your final cost. One of the advantages of using an independent agency such as Alexander Insurance is the time we spend assuring that we are providing you the coverage that works best for you at the most reasonable price.
3. Allocated Strength in the Strongest Form of Advocacy: Even though an independent insurance agent works for numerous insurance agencies, they have a keen sense of keeping the customer #1 and knowing what’s in your best interest. If they analyze your lifestyle and see that a certain brand may not be the ideal fit, they can find the right one for you.
If one of their preferred carriers chooses to drop you due to an aging dwelling or physical location, they will have you set up and ready to go with another provider before you even realize there’s an issue. In some instances, the brands you have never heard of provided by independent carriers may be the most hassle-free and situationally functional for your situation.
4. The Beneficial Wisdom of Well-Curated Advice: Independent agents are in a good position to give you their opinions on what will work best for your situation. Since independent agencies have more than one carrier to keep up with, they know the ropes of how each one works when it comes to claims and other pertinent issues. If you have problems contacting your carrier for an important issue, an independent agent will probably not have as long a hold time as a national agency.
5. Heightened Performance With a Personal Touch: Local independent insurance agents are a trusted choice for many households because they can assure that the coverage you are getting is specifically tailored to your home and business life. They will be able to suggest alterations to your plan and other changes that will make your life easier. When you feel as if you are doing business with someone that knows you on a personal level, it does not feel daunting to stop in personally to follow through with a request.
When life gives you a fully loaded schedule and hectic hours, it is always great to know that you have service from an agent who has a deep understanding of your geographic area and how “being you” imposes various demands on your insurance needs. Here at Alexander Insurance, we keep up on trending issues, always are looking out for your best interest, and are delighted to take on the responsibility of managing this vital component of your livelihood. We are eager to speak with you to ensure that your auto, home, and other policies are properly implemented for your family’s well-being and success.