Commercial General Liability insurance plans can protect your business from harm that occurs when the unexpected takes place and a lawsuit is filed. Here are some things to look out for!
Serving Entities With The Potential for Higher-Traffic Hazards:
Many positive checks and balances have arisen since the lawsuit-heavy days of the past, but there are always parties that feel they should attempt to quickly take advantage of a business. Customers have become savvier than ever when it comes to feigning an accident and not living up to the greatest moral standards. When something does occur that is truly a serious mishap, make sure you are protected!
Advertising and Copyright Protocol:
If a client sues a business over a form of libel, slander, or copyright infringement, commercial general liability coverage can help cover legal expenses. It has become increasingly common for images to be under scrutiny, with improperly sourced JPEGS and other web content existing as the property of those who are ready to pounce on misuse.
Staying Safe in a Public Workspace:
From the outside looking in, a business that uses a public location may encounter a fair amount of liability before they are even up and running. Times of heightened activity can result in a mix of traffic with a dramatic mix of intentions. Many states have taken measures to mandate providing general liability insurance for specific industry types.
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Coverage:
This can cover injuries sustained from physical accidents, such as someone not paying attention on a large stairwell. On top of physical injuries, many parties claim they encountered distress, and this can occur when there are accidents involving dangerous machinery or anyone acting unstable. Third-Party Property Damage can be covered efficiently as well, such as someone neglecting to shut off a water source after an inspection or job is completed.
Does General Liability Insurance Help me After Theft?
You as the business are considered the first party, with the third party being the one that has a current claim against you. General liability does not cover your property or equipment against theft. A Business Owners Policy is the best solution for this type of occurrence. Some general liability premiums are also officially considered a tax write-off, as they are a cost incurred while doing business.
Unproven Ingredients and Beyond: Incidents of Product Liability
Not each case of customer injuries or property damage takes place inside a store. If you are manufacturing, distributing, or selling any type of product you may be liable for the harm that you can cause to individuals or their collective property. Most commercial general liability policies will include the feature of product liability insurance. This type of coverage helps pay for lawsuits and any other financial losses that occur with defective products. When products are not labeled correctly, customers can quickly find reasons to bring about a lawsuit.
With a brand-new year rearing its head for all of us here at the Alexander Insurance Agency of St Charles, we want to assure that your business is properly protected, and that you feel confident in every choice you make. The types of outfits that need customers on their property can face unique challenges, and we can show you the most reasonable options for Commercial General Liability to provide peace of mind for any situation you’ll encounter while navigating an honest day’s work!