
The much-needed task of unclogging plumbing lines in homes here in Missouri is a profession that is not best handled without adequate insurance coverage! One inconvenient miscalculation or mishap can lead to damage or accidents that can occur while on the job, making employers, cities and states mandate minimum requirements for a type of business insurance to complete the process of securing your plumbing license. In this article, we’ll discuss the most important things to know about plumbing insurance, where to get the right coverage, along with some of the best options that can work for you.

What is Plumbing Insurance?

Plumbing insurance can refer to several various policies that are in place to assist you when damage, other financial liabilities, and potential lawsuits rear their head. Finding the right insurance coverage will allow you to face common risks that plumbing contractors face frequently such as:

  • Property damage or injury to a client that occurs during an extended repair or project
  • Being falsely accused of shoddy work or negligent performance during a job’s completion
  • Plumbing tools that are damaged or stolen
  • the mishap of a car accident while transporting to or from a job
  • one of your employees becoming injured while working on a project

Who Needs Plumbing Insurance?

Here are a few of the types of those out there on the job every day that need adequate coverage:

  • Plumbing business owners and contractors
  • Those who work on septic systems
  • Piping contractors
  • Drainage system specialists
  • Sewer maintenance professionals 
  • Sprinkler installation crews
  • Sump pump installation and servicing contractors
  • Water system balancing and testing contractors
  • Home builders, renovators, and developers
  • Handymen

What are the Various Types of Plumbing Insurance?

To assure that you’re starting off the day and meeting your eager customers’ clogged needs, general liability insurance is needed at a minimum to protect against claims, whether they are frivolous or not. Property damage and bodily injury are the two most common claims you can encounter while conducting business. The most common forms of additional coverage on top of this are business property insurance, commercial auto insurance, and liability insurance.

General Liability Insurance will be a valuable anchor during one of the most common scenarios that can occur for busy plumbers. If you are on a job and the customer happens to trip on a large tool left out, they could sprain or even break a bone. This very useful type of policy would cover their medical expenses, as well as the daunting legal fees for their inevitable lawsuit against you. A general liability policy will cover the cost to replace fixtures such as a granite countertop if it shatters while replacing plumbing elements. 

Professional Liability Insurance will help with your plumbing business if you undergo claims of professional negligence, breach of contract, or are unable to complete a job within the predicted time-frame. If you’re working on a remodel and a problem during the installation causes the system to fail, the owner may have a legal case against you for error. A professional liability insurance policy would cover legal issues and settlement costs that this lawsuit will bring about.

Business Property Insurance provides a function and focuses on events caused by accidents, weather, or other nature-related pitfalls. If a fire suddenly breaks out in your office and destroys all your necessary equipment, your business property insurance is the source of your coverage to complete replacement. Business property insurance will also cover lost income if your operations are dysfunctional because of extreme damage

Worker’s Compensation Insurance: provides financial protection for both the employer and the employee in the event of a work-related injury or illness. For the employer, workers’ comp can cover the cost of medical expenses, lost wages, and rehabilitation costs. It can also protect the employer from lawsuits filed by injured employees. For the employee, workers’ comp can provide peace of mind knowing that they will be financially taken care of if they are injured on the job. Here are some examples of ways that worker’s compensation is a good choice for plumbers:

  • It can help to protect your business from lawsuits.
  • It can help with your employees’ well-being, leaving them certain that they are protected in the event of an injury.
  • It can help in the constant struggle of attracting talent during competitive times. 

Commercial Auto Insurance is essential for plumbing businesses that use vehicles to transport tools, equipment, and materials to job sites. When you load up the van and are ready to take on your first appointment, you want to be 100% sure that you will be covered for the road.  Leaving a house free of clogs involves the use of many different tools, which thieves are unfortunately targeting more frequently. Commercial auto insurance can help to cover the cost of these losses so that you do not encounter any delays in your pressing schedule. It can also help to protect your business from lawsuits, which can be stressful and time-consuming.

Product Liability Insurance protects plumbers from claims arising from defective products they may accidentally use. It can help to cover the cost of legal fees, settlements, and damages if a customer is injured or their property is damaged by a defective product. Plumbers often use a variety of products in their work, such as pipes, fittings, valves, and fixtures. If one of these products happens to be defective, it can cause serious injury or damage to a customer’s property. In the event of a lawsuit, product liability insurance can help to protect the plumber from financial ruin.

Tools and Equipment Insurance is a blessing for those in metro areas who are experiencing a drastic rise in theft. It’s not just the framers and contractors who leave things out overnight that are now suffering, as just leaving for a quick lunch as a plumber could result in a client’s roommates or neighbors making off with your needed tools. This type of coverage will repair or replace equipment that ends up stolen or damaged, and this specific type of policy can also be bundled with your general liability insurance.

Don’t let any unwanted elements of uncertainty clog your path to success! Contact us today at Alexander Insurance Agency in St. Charles, Missouri to learn how we can help you protect your most valuable assets, preserve your dedication and prolong your admirable-penchant for performing a job well done.